Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Cold-Weather Inspiration

Every once in a while I like to get out with the camera to take inspiration photos for my paintings. According to the local weather guy, it’s predicted to drop to the low 20s for the next three nights. What the #$%&!!! Don’t they know this is South Louisiana?
Right now, it’s extremely too cold for me to go on any inspirational journeys.

So last night I decided to go on my journey through magazines – hell, I needed to throw some out anyway. Here’s what I clipped…

All of the clippings are a bit off of what I’m working on now, especially with the warm color palette. Now, I’m working on a set of small-format music note paintings and a large 36” x 40” guitar painting – all from my "Dynamic Acoustics" series which is centered around bright, vibrant colors. (I’ll put them up in the next day or so.) But… I’m really loving that COW – well, the horns really. Hmmm… I was planning on doing a couple landscapes next. Hmmm…

Lecie Gallery on Etsy

Lecie Gallery on EBSQart

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