Sunday, December 27, 2009

Original Paintings from Lecie Gallery Now on ETSY!

It has been awhile since I tested the waters and dipped my toes in the world of selling my artwork online. Although I was very pleased with the reception I received, all came to a halt after eBay made many changes to their search feature and raised seller fees. I was just getting the hang of it, too! After watching many artists I considered successful leave, it was time for me to step back. A couple of weeks off because of a hurricane and WHAM! - how quickly things can change.

I knew I wanted to continue having an online gallery, but the how and where needed to be considered. Other artists sell on many different websites and many have their own website. I knew absolutely nothing about html coding, metatags, and just what in the hell is SEO? I needed a plan and I really needed to school myself.

I have now been schooled. (I'm at least on a second-grade level.) And, I now have a plan. (What is the saying about the best laid plans?)

Ramble~~~ramble~~~ramble~~~ The point here (yes, there is a point)... the point is I'm now on Etsy! All of that for those four little words - I'm now on Etsy. This is the first painting I have placed in my Etsy store.

Stop by for a visit anytime!


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